This evening we discussed plans for the Youth Camp in the summer and prayed again for the Lord of the harvest to send in more labourers. It was good to have the video and other materials from Pete and we were able to make a start on planning, sketching out our main ideas for an event in Eynesbury, perhaps in May.
The video below was made for a camp in 2007 and will be updated for this year's event.
Although we discussed some of the practical aspects this evening, we are also very aware of Father's hand on everything that has happened so far. He has put us in touch with the right people at just the right moment at every point along the way. Usually he has surprised us, sometimes we haven't even understood what he's done until afterwards. There is already an impressive array of 'coincidences' and these are encouraging us to expect more around the corner.
We praised him and thanked him for it all. All the honour and glory is his!
Yara’s letter
Yaroslava Antipina lives in Kyiv, she writes often about Ukrainian culture
and art, about the war, and always illustrates her letters with some great
2 days ago